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Expeditionary Learning and Adventure-Based Learning
Adventure-based learning and expeditionary learning are fairly new educational models that provide students with opportunities to learn skills and abilities outside of the traditional classroom setting. When these types of diversified learning are incorporated into school curriculum, students are given chances to learn leadership and communication skills, develop positive relationships, learn the value of teamwork,…
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Special Education Makes Learning Available to Everyone
Special education services ensure that learning is available to all children. Special education students are able to get the same opportunities as other children because their needs are identified and plans are put into place to make sure they are successful in their current setting and school.Teachers certified in special education are trained to make…
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3 Reasons Students Should Learn About Other Cultures
With the advancements in technology, and the broadened ability to travel around the world, students now more than ever, are living in an increasingly diversified world. At school, online, and in their communities, they interact with people from widely varied backgrounds. The winter holidays provide an excellent opportunity to teach children about the many different…
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The Role of Peers in School
Peer relationships are one of the biggest influences on students in school. While parents and teachers obviously play large roles in child development and morals, interactions with peers are just as important. Kids spend a great deal of time with their classmates, both inside and outside of the classroom. These interactions teach children valuable social…
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Communities In Schools: Creating Classrooms that Work for Every Student
Classroom instruction in the 21st century is defined by three concepts: differentiation, goal setting, and data analysis. These three activities address children’s different learning styles and satisfy the needs of all kinds of students.Best educational practices no longer support teaching all students the same way or even with the same purpose. Each student is a…
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Why Children Should Play Sports
After-school sports are a great way for your child to learn and grow outside of the classroom. Team sports benefit children in myriad ways, some of which might be surprising. Here are the major ones.Learning TeamworkSports are the ultimate way for children to learn about teamwork. That includes learning how to uphold your responsibility to…
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Communities In School: Why Children Should Learn a Second Language
Learning a foreign language is an immensely useful academic achievement that can be important to success in adult life. Studies show that learning another language can improve reading skills and test scores in other subjects. Learning other ways to communicate early in life helps students prepare for course requirements in college. There is also a…
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Why it’s Important to Teach Music in Schools
As school budgets have tightened, less is being spent on arts education in general, and on music education in particular. Given the number of benefits that music has for students, this is a trend that needs to be reversed, and this is one of the primary missions of Communities in Schools.An Overlooked Method for Teaching Literacy Language skills…
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Military Dependent Students Need the Right Support
Young people growing up in military families have unique needs. Frequent moves, parents who are sometimes away for long periods, and the general stress of having a family member in the armed services can create a burden on these children and youth beyond what is experienced by their peers. Additional support from schools and communities…
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Striving for Literacy: How Communities In Schools Helps Students Learn to Read
For the majority of children, kindergarten through third grade is a time to learn reading. Students receive various methods of instruction with the expectation that most will acquire the basic skills during this period.Some students, however, do not learn at the same rate as the majority of their peers, and some fail to learn to…